Event Pics 活動照片

Event Pics 活動照片
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350是什麼呢? What is "350"?

350是什麼意思呢? 全球頂尖科學家說過,大氣層中含有350ppm二氧化碳是一個安全的標準值。目前我們已經到了390ppm而且二氧化碳的比率還在迅速提高中。

這個活動代表什麼? 350,這個活動要傳達地球暖化的警訊。我們要很清楚地告訴全球各國政府他們現在立刻要採取行動。他們一定要減少溫室氣體的排放量,防止這個問題繼續惡化。請上www.350.org 的網站參閱更多相關科學資訊。

我什麼時候可以參加呢? 1024號 下午4點到5點。

參加地點? 信義新光三越A8館南側門口。(參閱地圖)

當天活動內容如何? 4點鐘集合,短暫交流,415出發遊行到台北101對面公園最後在公園內拍“350”的團體照。拍照是活動中既重要又好玩的一部分 (請見上面圖片)我們在台北所拍的照片將會是全球350系列照片之一,全部照片將會寄給127在哥本哈根參加地球暖化高峰會議的各國政府 呼籲他們全球日益暖化的嚴重性

我可以參加嗎? 當然可以參加嘍! 越多人參加活動越好。你一定會享受這個活動,可是重點不是好玩。我們要在哥本哈根參加地球暖化高峰會議的各國政府正視這個迫切的問題。

What does the number 350 mean? The world’s top scientists believe that 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is a safe limit. We are already at 390 and it’s rising fast.

What does the 350 action represent? The 350 action is trying to raise awareness about global warming. We want to send a message to the world’s politicians. They must act now and lower our CO2 emissions before this problem gets much worse. Visit www.350.org for more information on the science.

When will it happen? Saturday the 24th of October from 4-5pm.

Where will it happen? We will meet in the large open area just outside the south entrance of building A8 of the Mitsukoshi department store. It’s less than a 5 minute walk from Taipei City Hall MRT station.

What will happen on the day? We will meet at 4pm. At about 4:15pm, we will march through the shopping district to the small park opposite Taipei 101 (see map). At the park, we will take the “350” photo. Our 350 photograph will form part of an international collection of 350 photos that will be sent to the politicians attending the UN Climate Change talks in Copenhagen beginning December the 7th. (See the above pictures)

Can I attend? Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes! We need as many people as possible to attend. It will be fun, but it’s also a very important chance to tell the world’s leaders at Copenhagen that we want action now.

2009年12月8日 星期二

Flashmobs!!!! Candlelight Vigil!!!!

聯合國《氣候變遷框架公約》(UNFCCC)15次締約國會議(COP15) ,目前正如火如荼地丹麥首都哥本哈根舉行。127-18




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荒野保護協會 黃詩涵 0985-002-112(http://www.sow.org.tw/index.do
台灣環境行動網 林仁惠 0935-292-293 (http://www.teanonline.org/
主婦聯盟環境保護基金會 張佳怡 0919-844-159(http://www.huf.org.tw/
綠黨 彭渰雯 0986-720-708(http://www.greenparty.org.tw/


延續10/24我們在信義新光三越舉辦的台北350 Taipei 350活動,12/12晚上9點,相同地點,









本活動為響應WWF-Vote Earth活動



December 12 is an International Day of Climate Action, since the world’s political leaders will be in Copenhagen discussing how to (hopefully) save the world from Global Warming. People in 106 countries are mobilizing. This is the highest number since 2005, the year of the first International Day of Climate Action.

Taiwan must also act! Our C02 emissions increased the most in the world between 1990 and 2004! (See attachment for details.)

The Taiwan Environmental Action Network (TEAN), the Society of Wilderness (SOW) and the Homemakers Union and Federation are sponsoring 2 different activities on Sat 12/12:

1. 2 Flashmobs (12-1pm)

2. A 350 Candlelight Vigil (9-9:30pm)

Please join us and forward this email to friends and family!


Day/Time: Sat 12th Dec, meet at 12 noon at Place 1. (Come a few minutes early if you can!)

Place 1: Taipei Main Train Station, just outside West number 3 Gate

The detailed instructions for the flashmob will be given at 12 noon. The flash-

mob will start right afterwards.

Then, we will walk to Place 2.

Place 2: outside the front of Shinkong Mitsukoshi Department Store opposite

Taipei Main Station

This 2nd flashmob will start at 12:45. (The same actions as at the 1st place,

so there will be no instructions given)

Basically, the flashmobs will be “freezing flash mobs”. (See this You Tube “Frozen Grand Central” to get the idea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwMj3PJDxuo.)

TEAN, SOW and the Homemakers Union and Federation are focusing the message of this flashmob on the Energy Tax because we believe an Energy Tax in Taiwan will help us reduce our C02 emissions. (See the attachment for more information about the Energy Tax…)

350 Candlelight Vigil

Day/time: Sat 12 Dec, meet at 9pm

Place: outside Xinyi District ShinKong Mitsukoshi Dept Store, meeting place A8

(a 5-min walk from Taipei City Hall MRT station Exit 3)

Please bring: a candle or 2 (and a lighter if you have one)

Note: If it’s raining, we’ll find a place under cover near A8.

Along with many other people around the world that night, we’ll form a 350 shape and light our candles. Then we’ll take a photo and send it to: www.350.org

Any Questions? Using English, contact Lynn at lynn_conant@hotmail.com OR send a text message to her on 0931-146-481 and she'll get back to you asap

I Love Energy Tax Flashmobs


Taiwan Environmental Action Networkhttp://www.teanonline.org/

Homemakers Union and Foundation (http://www.huf.org.tw/

Society of Wildernesshttp://www.sow.org.tw/index.do

Green Party Taiwanhttp://www.greenparty.org.tw/

Shocking Statistics:

Our C02 emissions have increased the most in the world!

Even elementary school children have a good understanding of the massive dangers that we face from global warming, however not many people know Taiwan's contribution to this problem. From 1990 to 2006, Taiwan's yearly emissions of carbon dioxide rose from 120,000,000 tons to 260,000,000 tons. In this same period, the majority of industrialized nations have reduced their yearly emissions. Taiwan has persisted in a year by year increase, producing an "amazing" 110% increase on 1990 figures. Compared to every other country in the world, Taiwan's emission's increase is the world's number one!

According to figures from the International Energy Agency (IEA), citizens of Taiwan are each responsible for a yearly emission of 12.8 tons of carbon dioxide. In a worldwide table of country by country, per-capita emissions, Taiwan is in 18th position. In Asia, Taiwan is in first position, with a per-capita output of three times the global average, surpassing Europe, Japan, and Korea.

Whats the Problem?

Of course the people of Taiwan don't want to waste energy and pollute our environment. Short-sighted policies with regard to the price of energy are at the heart of this problem. The price of oil and electricity in Taiwan is not only less than half the price of Europe's, it is far lower than that of similar developed neighboring countries: Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

The low price of oil and electricity over a long period has produced a situation where many industries can waste energy and pollute our environment, while maintaining high production and profit. In short, the energy price in Taiwan gives no protection to the externalization of pollution. Those that pollute dont need to account for pollution in their costs. Pollution of the environment is the responsibility of the whole population. Energy policy such as this is not only unfair to society; it has helped make Taiwan Asias number one emitter of carbon dioxide.

A Solution: The Energy Tax

Just as policies that push the public to waste less and recycle more, the Energy Tax will raise the cost of pollution and waste, thus stimulating higher efficiency in industrial energy use. As energy efficiency increases and waste decreases, the benefit to our environment will come naturally. The cost of transformation towards this fairer, cleaner system may be hard to bear for some. However, the price of not making a policy change is possible international trade sanctions and an environmental crisis.

Its Fair!

Even more importantly, the collection of the Energy Tax is fair, especially to people and businesses that do their best to save energy and protect the environment. According to government plans, as the Energy Tax is implemented, personal and company tax will reduce. Money raised through the Energy Tax will be used to subsidize public transport, help low income families, and improve the quality of our environment. Furthermore, the government will gradually implement this over a 10 year period to catch up with Japan and South Koreas energy prices. Due to the gradual implementation of this policy, it is imperative that it is put into place immediately. We cannot afford to miss this chance.

We Cant Let Taiwan Fall Behind the Rest of the World

The Energy Tax was a pre-election policy of President Ma. Furthermore, the national energy resources committee in March came to a consensus that this is a vital policy for Taiwans environment and economy. The majority of the worlds industrialized nations have already put similar tax systems in place. We must not allow the demands of a small number of polluting enterprises and the medias simplification and misrepresentation of this issue, cloud the eyes of Taiwans legislators and deny us the chance to take a progressive, fairer, cleaner, step into the future.

We love the Energy Tax! We want the Energy Tax! Please help us send this message to individuals, businesses, and most importantly, the government.

English language Contact

Lynn Conant: lynn_conant@hotmail.com; 0931-146-481 (Please text me and I’ll call you back.)

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  1. 天 国 近 了。
